Studio IS

(‚ƒ)toru kamiya

20~20~3cm Acrylic CaseF30~30~5cm
pigment, glue, acrylic on canvas, panel

Painted especially for Epiphany Works. Based on gradation, another element of the painting-- "lines"-- are drawn. Conceptually rendered, the combination of the beautiful surface and lines create very pop effects. The sides of the panel are sharply cut. Looking from the front, it emphasizes its flatness. Looking from the side, it emphasizes its three-dimentional sculptural identity. The two different looks are in one work.The artist cuts the panels, puts canvas on and checks the painting on the canvas, sanding the base. Such process is hidden beneath the initial effect of each painting.

In Acrylic CaseF52,500yen(with Tax) Acrylic Case sample
The Artwork without the case 44,100yen(with Tax)@

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